23 Mar Temporary Bailey Bridge Installed
The Strait of Canso Superport Corporation prides itself in making our common user facilities available to the Strait Area business community to generate economic activity in the region.
This past year, weight restrictions on the Wyldes Bridge on Mulgrave’s Main Street presented some challenges in trucking material to and from the Mulgrave Marine Terminal. We are pleased to report that a temporary bailey bridge has been installed which now allows full truck loads to be carried to and from the Terminal.
The Superport Corporation would like to thank our clients for their patience while this matter was being addressed. The Corporation would also like to acknowledge the co-operation of the Town of Mulgrave for allowing some traffic diversion through the Town to accommodate business activity on the Terminal. Our sincere appreciation also goes out to Transportation Minister Lloyd Hines and staff at the Nova Scotia Transportation for expediting the installation of the bailey bridge.

The Superport Corporation looks forward to a busy year at the Mulgrave Marine Terminal, creating valuable spin off opportunities for the Strait Area Business community.