27 Jan Lots of Activity at the Mulgrave Marine Terminal

The Strait of Canso Superport Corporation continues to make the common user, Mulgrave Marine Terminal available to local businesses and contractors to generate economic activity in the Strait Region. The Photo above highlights the range of activity currently taking place at the Terminal. Notable activity at the Terminal this winter includes:
Cabot Gypsum utilizes the common user Terminal to import gypsum for its wall board plant in Point Tupper
Clearwater operates two of its offshore clam vessels from Mulgrave and is currently undertaking its annual vessel refit.
East Coast Hydraulics and Mulgrave Machine Works are providing services to refit one of McKeil Marine’s barges.
And Horizon Maritimes are carrying out a contract to refurbish navigational buoys for the Federal Department of Fisheries.
All these activities require well maintained infrastructure to allow these companies to create and maintain employment opportunities in the Strait Area. Highway infrastructure is critical to the operations of the Mulgrave Marine Terminal. Weight restrictions on a bridge adjacent to the entrance to the Terminal were presenting challenges for the companies utilizing the wharf facilities. The Strait of Canso Superport Corporation Board of Directors met with Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Minister Lloyd Hines to discuss the impact of the bridge restrictions on local jobs and economic activity. Minister Hines responded with DOT calling tenders and awarding a contract to install a temporary bridge that will allow full truck loads to pass over the Structure. The Superport Corporation is working cooperatively with the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure renewal to facilitate the construction of the temporary structure. A portion of the Superport’s land is being utilized for teh temporary detour and the contractor is using the Terminal as a staging area for the bridge assembly work.
The Superport Corporation is proud to be a partner creating jobs in the local community.